
News [9월] GSCST 소식- 나노융합전공 고지은(박사) 2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Ho…

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작성자 관리자 댓글 0건 조회View 231 작성일 15-10-08 08:11


 9월  GSCST 소식

2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Hot Papers 선정

나노융합전공 박사과정 고지은(지도교수:김연상)

A robust ionic liquid–polymer gate insulator for high-performance flexible thin film transistors

Jieun Ko, Su Jeong Lee, Kyongjun Kim, EungKyuLee, Keon-Hee Lim, Jae-Min Myoung, Jeeyoung Yoo and Youn Sang Kim

An ionic liquid–polymer (IL–PVP) dielectric layer with robust mechanical strength and flexibility was fabricated by a chemical interaction between the ionic liquid and polymer. This dielectric layer allowed operation of flexible thin film transistors with high performance.


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